Whether your institution is seeking alternatives to managing liquidity, expanding credit options, mitigating interest rate risk or funding community investment projects, your membership in FHLBank Topeka can be the financial link.
FHLBank’s customized credit products and funding strategies can be key elements in helping you meet customer demand and surpassing shareholders’ bottom-line expectations.
Membership provides your institution with access to an array of flexible funding options for:
- Mortgage lending
- Liquidity
- Asset/liability management
- Community investment needs, including affordable housing and economic development initiatives
After purchasing FHLBank stock, your institution will earn a membership and activity-based dividend. Our favorable dividend rates vary with the general level of interest rates. Don't forget to take your activity-based dividend into consideration when you borrow. When you apply it to your advance cost, you'll see an effective cost reduction of 27 basis points.
If you want to know more about our membership requirements, visit the links below.
General Eligibility Requirements
Verify your membership eligibility by ensuring your institution meets the following criteria:
- Duly organized under tribal, federal or state laws
- Subject to inspection and regulation
- Makes long-term (five years or greater) home mortgage loans or purchases pass-through mortgage securities
- Latest regulatory examination and results of an FHLBank financial analysis indicate stable financial condition
- Management history and home financing policy consistent with sound and economical home financing
- Insured depository institution applicants other than community financial institutions must have at least 10 percent of total assets in residential mortgage loans
- Insurance company or community development financial institution applicants must have an investment in mortgage-related assets of at least five percent of total assets
- Maintain a home or principal office in FHLBank Topeka’s district or meet other qualifications for a principal place of business, physical presence or executive presence as outlined in regulations
Additional Membership Requirements
Request a Membership Application
Please call or email your area's account manager for more information about becoming a member.