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Native American Housing Initiatives Grants Program



$3.6 MILLION Grant funds will be available in increments of $100,000 to $500,000 to the eligible entities listed below.

The Native American Housing Initiatives Grants Program (NAHI) is a new, voluntary grant program that provides Native American tribes and tribally designated housing entities (TDHE) with access to grant funds intended to build their communities in support of housing for tribal members in FHLBank’s district (Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska and Oklahoma). The NAHI supports tribal organizations working at the grassroots level, which are in the best position to identify tribal needs.

See a complete list of our 2024 recipients.



Interested organizations (applicants) complete and submit an application in partnership with an FHLBank member institution. Recipients of the grant will receive the funds through the FHLBank member institution sponsoring the application.

The applicant must meet the description of an eligible recipient and the eligible uses of funds (see eligibility section below). The application should clearly articulate how the funds will build the capacity of the organization to further its housing mission and activities.

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Educational Content

NAHI Informational Webinar Recording

NAHI Informational Webinar Recording | 5.13.24



Recipients must provide housing services to federally recognized tribal members in Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska or Oklahoma.

Federally Recognized Tribe | A federally recognized tribe is an American Indian or Alaska Native tribal entity that is recognized as having a government-to-government relationship with the United States with the responsibilities, powers, limitations and obligations attached to that designation and is eligible for funding and services from the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Federally recognized tribes possess certain inherent rights of self-government (i.e., tribal sovereignty) and are entitled to receive certain federal benefits, services and protections because of their special relationship with the United States.

Tribally Designated Housing Entity | A TDHE may be a department within the federally recognized tribe, tribal housing authority with separate board of commissioners or a nonprofit organization serving members of a federally recognized tribe.

What uses are eligible?

Examples of eligible uses include, but are not limited to:

  • Down payment assistance for home purchases by tribal members
  • Repairs to owner-occupied homes for tribal members
  • Rental assistance for tenants of tribal housing
  • New construction or rehabilitation of existing housing for tribal members
  • New program or product development
  • Market research to expand existing programs
  • Professional development of staff and/or board(s)
  • Creation or improvement of lending policies and procedures
  • Creation or expansion of strategic plan
  • Enhancements to information technology and systems
  • Improvements to lending, financial, and/or mission-related reporting
  • Marketing and branding
  • Consultant (non-employees, separately invoiced)
  • Lending capital
  • Loan loss reserves
  • Salaries, wages, stipends, and/or benefits for new or existing interns and/or staff
  • Internal cost allocations (e.g., administrative overhead)

Learning Opportunities

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We invite program recipients to tell us about your project and how the NAHI funds impact the communities you serve.

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