Labor Day Transaction Guidelines
August 21, 2023
Holiday Guidelines for Advances
No limits on Friday, Sept. 1. No advances available on Monday, Sept. 4.
Holiday Guidelines for the MPF® Program
In observance of Labor Day, the MPF Program will not accept Delivery Commitments or Loan Fundings on Monday, Sept. 4, 2023. In adherence to the SIFMA Bond Market Holiday Schedule, the MPF Program will NOT be closing early on the business day prior to the holiday, Friday, Sept. 4, 2023. Visit the MPF Holiday Schedule for more details: MPF Holiday Schedule | FHLBMPF
Monday, Sept. 4, 2023, will be a typical holiday closure for the MPF Program:
- Delivery Commitments and Fundings will not be accepted.
- End of Day processes will not be run.
- NACHA files will not be created.
- The Data Mart, all other files, and reports will not be created.